Phase 2 Consultation
Following our first consultation in 2021, we have carefully considered your feedback as we developed the proposals into a draft masterplan for the site. Our second phase of consultation presented our developed plans and seeked feedback to see that the masterplan responds to the local community expectations. The masterplan will provide direction to prospective developers on what scale and type of development can be accommodated and what the local community will expect to see.
Our second phase of public consultation closed at 9am on Monday 19th December 2022.
We thank everyone that took part in the consultation and provided their feedback. We are now carefully reviewing and considering all comments as we finalise the masterplan for the site.

How your feedback has influenced the draft masterplan
During the phase 1 consultation we presented our early ideas and options for the site, based on our research and surveys at that time, and the feedback received from key stakeholders. Your feedback provided valuable insight into on our initial plans and helped us shape the preferred vision for the site. Since then, we have undertaken further technical work, including a full intrusive site investigation, and incorporated the phase 1 consultation feedback to develop the draft masterplan proposals.
What you said and how we have considered this feedback
Your feedback has been valuable to the development of our plans. We have outlined below the key aspirations identified for Friar Park Urban Village during our engagement in 2021 and how we have addressed this in our phase 2 proposals.
What is important to you | How we have considered this within our proposals |
To protect and enhance the existing strong sense of community | Friar Park will deliver new homes that complement and integrate with the existing community. It will transform a brownfield site, which is currently underused and contaminated, into a community asset to benefit both new and existing residents. This consultation enables existing residents in Friar Park to shape these proposals and ensure that it is an extension of, and benefit to, the existing community. |
To resolve anti-social behaviour (ASB) issues and reduce issues such as fly tipping | The site has been designed with reduction of crime and ASB at the heart of it. Including increased natural surveillance between spaces, dense planting for security, and restricting access at key points, making opportunities for fly-tipping and ASB significantly more difficult. |
To provide a mix of housing for lifelong homes | Friar Park Urban Village will set a new benchmark for quality, sustainable homes in Sandwell where people will want to live long and healthy lives. A comprehensive mix of housing types will ensure that the area is accessible and attractive to all the residents of Sandwell and will allow people to better choose a home that suits their individual needs. |
To provide attractive and accessible open space and places for the family | The proposals will deliver a net increase in accessible, high-quality green space for both new and existing residents whilst also remediating highly contaminated land which, left untreated, poses a potential future risk to public health. These improved and varied green spaces will support people to live healthy and active lives. |
To protect and enhance the existing wildlife on the site | The site currently consists of a former sewage works and the surrounding land is contaminated. Whilst some wildlife does exist on the site, the improved quality of the replacement habitats will attract a much wider variety of nature and wildlife to the area. Furthermore, comprehensive ecological studies will ensure the protection of any wildlife currently on the site. |