Key Considerations

The site presents many opportunities to enhance the area and address some of the challenges that have limited use of the site. We have taken these into consideration with the initial development of our plans. 

The site is located in Friar Park in the suburbs of Wednesbury. It is currently accessed from Friar Park Road and Kent Road, and the Bescot rail sidings are situated immediately to the north-east. Walsall Road and Tame Bridge Parkway railway station is close-by to the south east, providing good links to other surrounding towns and cities.

A large area of the site was previously used as a sewage treatment plant, as well as for landfill and other industrial uses. This means that there is contamination below the ground which will need to be treated before development can take place. Part of the site is also within an area of historic coal and ironstone mine workings. The land is now made up of grazing and scrub land, and there are some derelict farm buildings in the north.

There are some existing trees and hedgerows on the site which provide habitats for local wildlife. Additionally, a portion of the site is designated as a Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC) in the Local Plan. Careful consideration will need to be given to the ecology and biodiversity, and how any new development could provide new habitats.

The rest of the site includes Kent Road Park and an area of unallocated open space behind the Millennium Centre.
Site Challenges Plan
Site Challenges Plan
Along with challenges, the site presents many opportunities which have informed our initial thoughts for the site.
As well as new homes, the proposed regeneration provides the opportunity to address some potentially harmful environmental factors that have resulted from the site’s former use. Crucially it will result in the treatment of contamination resulting from the former industrial uses. Any former mine workings discovered will also be treated before any development.
The development is also an opportunity to enhance the natural environment; creating habitats and bringing greater biodiversity to the area. The proposed development will be widely accessible and there is an opportunity to create
distinctive open spaces for the enjoyment of the wider Friar Park community. Part of these spaces will be set aside for play and activities, encouraging healthy outdoor lifestyles and well-being.

Finally, the new development will be designed to connect with the existing neighbourhood by providing new, well-designed and safe pedestrian and cycle routes. Together with community spaces and activity areas, they will
help to bring greater integration and identity to the area.
Site Opportunities Plan 
Site Opportunities Plan
Site Opportunities Key