Urban Character
Our initial thoughts on how the development could be shaped.
The layout of the development should ensure that it does not create lifeless spaces, and is seamlessly integrated into the existing neighbourhood. This will be achieved by responding to the surroundings and arranging the development on the site in a way to encourage activity in the right areas. This means putting more homes in some areas (higher density) and less in others (lower density), which will determine the character of the streets and spaces in each area. Our initial ideas on how the development could be laid out are shown below.

Approach 1 – Central Focus
Put higher density development in the central area of the site with less homes at the edges.
This will mean more people will live closer to the existing neighbourhood and community facilities. Helping to bring more activity in the middle of the site, giving it a feeling of more importance.
Approach 2 – Eastern Gateway
Position more homes in the south-east corner with the site becoming less dense towards Kent Road.
This will mean more homes are closer to Tame Bridge Parkway Station which could encourage more people to use public transport, reducing cars.
It could also create a ‘gateway’ feeling on Friar Park Road and around the new access to the development.

3 – Balanced
Distribute the new homes more evenly, with smaller areas of higher density homes in areas of the site.
This will create the feeling of a series of clustered ‘villages’ each with a central hub where more activity could be focused.
This would make more varied character to the development, with distinct local focal points.